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Osteopath relieving hip pregnancy pain

Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathy's Role in Supporting Pregnancy and Beyond

osteopath Joy treating pregnant patient to enhance foetus good positionning in the womb

​Benefits of osteopathic treatments during pregnancy:


  • Pain relief

  • Improved pelvic alignment

  • Enhanced circulation and lymphatic flow

  • Hormonal balance

  • Pelvic floor support

  • Optimal fetal positioning

  • Stress reduction

  • Improved mobility and posture

  • Preparation for labor and birth

Osteopathy can potentially help address a variety of common problems experienced during pregnancy. Some of the most common issues that may benefit from osteopathic treatment include:


  • Lower back pain: Osteopathy can provide relief from pregnancy-related lower back pain, which is often caused by the increased strain on the back muscles and ligaments as the baby grows.


  • Pelvic pain and instability: Osteopathic techniques can help alleviate pelvic pain and instability by addressing imbalances, aligning the pelvis, and reducing strain on the supporting ligaments.


  • Sciatica: Osteopathy may help relieve sciatic nerve pain, a common complaint during pregnancy, by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances that can compress the sciatic nerve.


  • Round ligament pain: Osteopathic manipulations can help ease the discomfort associated with round ligament pain, which occurs as the ligaments supporting the uterus stretch and expand to accommodate the growing baby.


  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD): Osteopathic treatment can assist in managing SPD, a condition characterized by pain and instability in the pelvic region due to the relaxation of ligaments supporting the pubic bone.


  • Swelling and edema: Osteopathic techniques that promote circulation and lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling (edema) in the legs, ankles, and feet that is often experienced during pregnancy.


  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Osteopathy may help alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that can develop or worsen during pregnancy due to fluid retention and increased pressure on the nerves.


  • Postural imbalances: Osteopathy can address postural changes and imbalances that occur as the body adapts to the growing baby, helping to improve overall posture and reduce associated discomfort.

the osteopath joy is stretching the neck of the pregnant patient to relieve pains caused by postural changes


Osteopathy focuses on encouraging optimal fetal positioning before birth. By addressing any imbalances or restrictions in the mother's body, such as those in the pelvis or ligaments, osteopathy may help create an environment that encourages the baby to assume an ideal position for birth, such as head-down (vertex) presentation.


Stress reduction: Osteopathic treatments often incorporate relaxation techniques, which can help reduce stress and anxiety commonly experienced during pregnancy. Managing stress levels before birth is beneficial for both the mother's well-being and the progression of labor.


Supporting the body's natural processes: Osteopathy aims to support the body's natural ability to heal and self-regulate. By addressing any structural imbalances, restrictions, or dysfunctions, osteopathy helps promote overall well-being and optimizes the body's readiness for labor and birth.


If you have any questions or queries about osteopathy and pregnancy, do not hesitate to reach out. 

osteopath joy has her hands on the pregnant women belly to promote good mobility of the uterus and therefore better positionning of the baby
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