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 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long is an osteopathic session ? 

A session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. 


Is it painful?

Some techniques might be uncomfortable but I intend to work with a gentle approach as much as possible. I do not believe in "no pain no gain". 


What should I wear?

You need to wear some comfortable underwear or if you prefer loose clothes you are confortable in that allow me to move you as needed.


Should I bring any documents I have such as xrays, mri ?

Yes please do if you have anything that can be relevant to your current problem. 


I am already seeing a physiotherapist, would I benefit from seeing an osteopath too?

Of course, we are two different types of therapist. Osteopathy can support the work of your physiotherapist. 


Is Osteopathy just about bones?

No, Osteopathy is about the whole body, all of the different tissues. 


If you don't crack me, I will not get better ?

Manipulations leading to this audible pop, " the crack" are effective techniques but not necessary for you to get better. If you are not comfortable with this approach, I can use a different technique, also manipulations are not appropriate for all patients. 


Is there an age limit/requirement for osteopathy?

No! the youngest patient I treated was 5 days old and the oldest 95 years old!


How will I feel after the session ?

You might feel sleepy, in the clouds, relaxed but also you could experience more pain at the beginning. It varies from one person to the other. 


Anything I should not do after the session ?

It is best to take it easy for the first 24 hours after a session,

which means no sports or very light activity. 


Can it help an old injury ? 

Of course, how well you will respond from the treatment depends on what kind of injury, for how long you have had it, and how your body has been compensating.


I hurt myself very badly, how long should I wait before I come?

The earlier the better, though if you are in agony waiting one or two days for the inflammation to calm down is sometimes appropriate. 


What types of techniques do you use? 

Various different techniques can be used according to the patient : manipulations, mobilisation, articulation, soft tissue, balanced membranous tension, balanced ligamentous tension, muscle energy techniques 


Why would you touch my abdomen if I come for shoulder pain? 

One of the principle of osteopathy is " the body is a unit". Everything is interrelated, connected through nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic’s etc. This is why during an osteopathic treatment; some parts of your body away from the site of pain are treated too.  


Can Osteopathy help other thing than musculo-skeletal pain ? Like Migraines?

Yes, osteopathy helps in the treatment of migraines and other non-musculo skeletals conditions 


I am a bit worried, can I bring a friend along?

Of course, chaperons are always welcomed to come

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